HiNounou Founder & CEO Speaks at AgeingFit 2020: How to Scale up Senior Care Innovations?

On January 28th, HiNounou founder & CEO Charles Bark speaks at the AgeingFit 2020 event in Nice, France. Together with the other three panelists, he discussed how healthcare innovations can be faster scaled up across Europe in the Silver Economy, presenting some cases and practices of HiNounou.
After combined 12 years’ R&D in four countries, HiNounou is now in the phase of scaling-up with its elderly-tailored Home Wellness Kit, building sales pipelines across Asia (including Mainland China, Hong Kong, South Korea) and Europe (including Poland, France, Switzerland, Netherlands). Some key barriers and success factors for scaling-up innovative healthcare solutions are explored during the panelist.
AgeingFit is the first European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector. Silver Health covers the fields of prevention allowing seniors to be autonomous and in « good health » as long as possible, and also the care of old and sick people staying in hospitals or geriatric homes.
Moderator: Brian O'Connor, Chair, European Connected Health Alliance (UK)
- Donna Henderson, Head of International Engagement, TEC & Digital Healthcare Innovation, NHS National Services Scotland (UK)
- Charles Bark, CEO, HiNounou (CN)
- Claire Kamoun, Corporate Innovation Manager, ORPEA Group (FR)
- Erik Joosten, CEO, Arion Group (NL)