HiNounou at GoTech World Congress

This month, HiNounou’s Chief Marketing Officer, Bommy Lee, was invited to speak at the GoTech World Congress in Bucharest. Her talk was about “How to create a powerful, customer-centric digital marketing strategy. ” She shared case studies from the startup world where budgets are often tight, resources limited, and uncertainty and change are constant.
The key takeaways from the session were:
1. When creating personas, listen and learn from your customers, use data to test assumptions, adjust and refine - KNOW ME
2. When choosing the right mix of channels, go to where your customer are, define the desired outcome and use data to fine-tune your strategy - GET MY ATTENTION
3. When building your content machine, establish routines, guidelines and processes in order to remain agile and scalable - DELIGHT ME
The pace of change in today’s digital world means that authenticity, transparency and relationships are more important than ever before. Digital technologies give us the opportunity to put the customer back at the heart of our marketing strategies, where they belong. Authenticity, transparency and our customer relationships are key tenants of HiNounou’s mission to empower the silver generation to live happier, healthier, longer lives from the comfort of their homes.